January 2017 Newsletter

200 Club

January Draw:- To be drawn at February Meeting

Anyone interested in joining the 200 Club please see a committee member, it only costs £2 per month.

Forthcoming Events

For a full fixture list & some entry forms see the Louth AC website, www.louth-ac.org.uk

Road Races & Trail Runs

Cleethorpes 5k Prom series 7th Feb & 7th Mar – online entries.

Wold Dash 2017 Provisional Dates:- 10/5/17, 14/6/17, 12/7/17, 9/8/17, 6/9/17.

Lincs League Cross Country Dates (U11s must be Year5/6 to compete)

15th Jan at Hubbard Hills, Louth. First race 10.20am. Please note there will be limited parking within Hubbard Hills, spaces may be available at the Old Crowtree Lane Hospital grounds, along the roadside by Westgate Fields & at the far end of Hubbard Hills.

Northern XC 28th Jan 2017 Knowlsey, entry online required by each athlete before 13th Jan

National XC Champs 25th Feb 2017, Woolaton Park, entry online required by each athlete before 13th Jan

Open XC

5th Mar ’17 Barton XC & Fun Run, Baysgarth Park, online entries, closing date 1/3/17

Junior Athletes can be entered to run cross country events by returning entry form & fee to their coaches by the closing date given on the Newsletter.

Junior Sportshall Athletics Competitions

Sat 4th Feb & 4th Mar U7, U9, U11 & U13s B-Hive Boston, entry £5, register from 9.15am

Junior Training -Tuesday 6.15pm to 7.15pm Cordeaux School Hall. Please bring a coat, track suit top or jumper and a bottle of water & if any athlete uses an inhaler please bring it along & let the relevant coach know. If injured please don’t come.

Can all athletes please wear some form of reflective clothing or bands or LED lights when out running.


Parent helpers are required for training sessions, you will be required to be DBS checked by England Athletics (Free of charge), to allow for a wider range of training & qualified coaches are urgently required by the Club to work with the Juniors & Seniors.

If you are willing to train or are maybe already qualified & can help please speak to Sue Murfin, Gordon Reid or Allan Johnstone.


Please could everyone fill out a Membership form & either give their membership to Sue Murfin or post it to Gordon Reid

Please note Club Membership is now half the annual fee up until 31st March, so reads:-

Senior Membership:- £14 + £13 England Athletic Fee = £27 Total

New Juniors Membership:-  £14 + £13 England Athletic Fee + £15 for vest (normal price £20) = £42

Family of 3 Members . £37 + £39 England Athletic Fees = £76

+ for all junior members £2 per night training fee.

Can all Members please check we have the right e-mail address & that you are receiving event entries


May I take this opportunity to wish everyone a Happy New Year from the Committee.


Diary Dates:-

Jan/Feb, tbc, Quiz Night, 7 for 7.30pm, Louth Hospital Club, High Holme Road, Off road parking in front of Club Building about 20metres past Hospital entrance.