June 2018 Newsletter
200 Club
June draw:- £22 – A. Foster, £11 – K. Moulding, £6 – J. Shaw, £2 – B. Foster.
Anyone interested in joining the 200 Club please see the website for a form, it only costs £2 per month.
Forthcoming Events
For a full fixture list & some entry forms see the Louth AC website, www.louth-ac.org.uk
Road Running
20th Jun Clickem 10Mile 6.45pm start
26th Jun Lincoln Wellington 5k series 7.30pm start
4th July Croxby 2 Lap 7pm start
YDL Upper Age U17 & U20, 1st July Cleckheaton
YDL Lower Age U13 & U15, 17th Jun Scunthorpe, 21st Jul Cleckheaton
Humberside League Track & Field :- 30th June Costello Stadium, Hull
Track & Field Open Events
Boston & District AC Tommy Clay Track & Field 8th & 22nd June 6.30 to 8pm
29th Sept Grimsby Harriers Open T&F, King George V Stadium
Wold Dash Dates
13th June, 11th July, 8th Aug & 5th Sept. All 7pm start
Junior Training –6.15pm to 7.15pm will be outdoors at London Road. Please bring a coat, track suit top or jumper and a bottle of water & if any athlete uses an inhaler please bring it along & let the relevant coach know. If injured please don’t come.
Please check your e-mails or Louth AC website for entry forms & details of competitions
Parent helpers are required for training sessions & competitions. Thanks to those of you who have already come forward & helped.
Qualified coaches are still required by the Club to work with the Juniors & Seniors. If you are willing to train or are already qualified & can help please speak to Sue Murfin, Gordon Reid or Allan Johnstone.
2018/19 Annual Membership due to be renewed before 1st April 2018
New Junior Membership :- £28 + £15 England Athletic Fee + £15 Club Vest (normally £20) = £58
Renewal Membership for Juniors & Seniors :- £28 + £15 England Athletic Fee = £43
Non Competing Senior Members:- £28
Supporters Fee for non active Members wishing to support the Club :- £10
Forms available to download from website or from coaches.
Data Protection has been updated in line with EA guidelines & this is incorporated into the 2018/19 Membership & entry forms. Please ensure these details are read & understood & the BOX TICKED as no one else is permitted to do this for you.
On payment of membership all athletes & parents/carers will be given the password to enter the members only page on the website to view minutes of previous Committee meetings.
I would like to welcome Ruth Edison as the New Treasurer.
Other Key Roles of Committee members can be found on the Website including Welfare Officers
The LAC Club Constitution & Rules including codes of conduct for parents & all athletes. which were amended at the AGM are available on the LAC website for everyone to download & read
Congratulations to all those athletes who have competed in the YDL Leagues & Open meetings recently.
Now that the track area is drying out are there any Parents who could help collect litter/stones whilst their child is training please on 3rd July so the area can then be re-seeded. Please see a Junior coach.
Diary Dates:- Fri 22nd Jun from5pm Working Evening strimming & mowing, litter & stone/brick picking