January 2019 Newsletter
200 Club
Jan draw:- £17 – J. Foster £9 – A. Jenkins, £5 – C. Grantham £2 – S. Windsor.
Anyone interested in joining the 200 Club please see the website for a form, it only costs £2 per month.
Forthcoming Events
For a full fixture list & some entry forms see the Louth AC website, www.louth-ac.org.uk
Road Running
7th April Lincoln 10k
2nd June Woodhall Spa 10k second round of entries open online on 1st February.
Lincs League XC
Lincs League 4 on 10th Feb at Ostlers Wood, Woodhall Spa.
Open Cross Country
19th Jan Sheffield Open xc – online entries close 17th Jan
20th Jan 2019 Barton –on-Humber XC (New Date) online entries close 13th Jan
27th Jan Baysgarth School, Barton 12.30 for 1pm for U9, U11, U13, U15
Please check your e-mails or Louth AC website for entry forms & details of competitions
Track & Field
25th Mar Scunthorpe Winter Warm-up
Junior Training Tuesday Evening King Edward Grammar School 6.15pm to 7.15pm.
There will be no Junior training on Tuesday 19th Feb as the school will be closed for the half term break.
Aj will be returning to coaching mid January but a middle distance coach is still required Please contact Sue Murfin if you are able to help, or are willing to attend a coaching assistant course at Hull Costello on February 23rd & 24th details.
Parent helpers are also required for training sessions to support coaches of all training groups
Thanks to those of you who have already come forward & helped.
½ Year Membership from 30th Sept 2018
New Junior 1/2yr Membership :- £14 + £15 England Athletic Fee + £15 Club Vest (normally £20) = £44
New Senior Members ½ yr membership:- £14 + £15 Ea Fee = £29
Non Competing Senior Members ½ yr membership:- £14
Supporters Fee for non active Members wishing to support the Club :- £10
Forms available to download from website or from coaches & to be returned to Sue Murfin at above address.
Data Protection has been updated in line with EA guidelines & this is incorporated into the 2018/19 Membership & entry forms. Please ensure these details are read & understood & the BOX TICKED as no one else is permitted to do this for you.
On payment of membership all athletes & parents/carers will be given the password to enter the members only page on the website to view minutes of previous Committee meetings. Members should have now received this password if you have not please contact the chairperson or secretary.
Amanda Young has offered to take on the role of Membership Secretary
A parent is required to assist with entries for the YDL competitions both for the Lower (U13/U15’s) & Upper (U17/U20’s) ages. See Sue for dates & could those athletes wishing to participate please contact the secretary Betty Gash as confirmation of entrants is required by Grimsby Harriers.