200 Club

October:- £21 – D. Barratt, £10 – R. Subden,  £6 – J. Shaw,  £2 – K. Vickers

Anyone interested in joining the 200 Club please see the website for a form, it only costs £2 per month.

Forthcoming Events

For a full fixture list & some entry forms see the Louth AC website, www.louth-ac.org.uk

Road Races & Trail Runs

.Cleethorpes 3k & 5k series,7th Nov, 5th Dec, 9th Jan, 6th Feb & 6th Mar, online entries.

Lincs League Cross Country Dates

29th Oct Lincoln West Common, Lincoln, 5th Nov Castledyke Equestrian Centre, Antons Gowt, 19th Nov Bourne Woods, 10th Dec  Belton House, Grantham, 7th Jan ’18 County Champs Riseholme College, Lincoln

League xc can be entered on the day but County Champs entries have to go through the Club & must be with Gordon Reid before 19th Dec.

Open Cross Country

12th Nov Scunthorpe Open, Quibel Park, Scunthorpe.

Junior Training –Tues 17th Oct 6.15pm to 7.15pm will be indoors & outdoors at Lacey Gdns School .

Please bring a coat, track suit top or jumper and a bottle of water & if any athlete uses an inhaler please bring it along & let the relevant coach know. If injured please don’t come.

There will be no Junior training Tuesday 24th Oct (mid term break) Please check your e-mails or Louth AC website for location of training for 30th Oct.


Parent helpers are required for training sessions, to allow for a wider range of training. You will be required to fill out a Volunteers DBS form (Free of charge) by England Athletics which is retained by Louth AC

Qualified coaches are still required by the Club to work with the Juniors & Seniors. If you are willing to train or are maybe already qualified & can help please speak to Sue Murfin, Gordon Reid or Allan Johnstone


Membership rates for new Members joining from 1st Oct to 31st Mar 2018

New Juniors Membership :- £14 + £14 England Athletic Fee + £15 Club Vest( normally £20) = £43

New Seniors Membership £14 + £14 England Athletic Fee = £28

Key Roles of Committee members can be found on the Website including Welfare Officers

It has been noted that people are running on the base material of the running track, please note Louth AC are not liable for any injuries sustained.

Thanks go to all those who came along to London Road to help out at the “clean-up” day the roadside boundary fence was extended ready for the installation of the new security fencing.


Treasurer The Club requires a new treasurer so if you think you could fill the post or know of someone who might please contact Sue Murfin or John Jaines.


Diary Dates:-

Saturday 11th Nov 7pm for 7.30pm,  Presentation Night, The Pavillion, London Road, Louth

Monday 20th Nov 7pm, AGM, Clubhouse, London Road, Louth. Any proposals to changes of Club Constitution/rules, track area usage fee or any other items to be in by 13th Nov. They can be sent via e-mail to the chairperson, details on website, or handed to J. Jaines, Sue Murfin or Gordon Reid.

Friday 24th Nov 7pm for 7.30pm Quiz Night, Louth Hospital Club, High Holme Rd, Louth.